Wherever you go, there you are

Wherever you go, there you are

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Jonathan's visit

Had Jonathan (aka schmoopie) for a few weeks, check out the pictures of my handsome grandson that I miss so much!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Howdy Doody

Missy gave me the idea of starting a blog, I guess its a good way for anyone who cares to check up on us and the goings on in NC.

I miss alot of people "back home", but am happier here with Joe than I've ever been in my whole life. He's a wonderful intelligent man who shares my passion for reading, history and animals (kids too, but as we all know they qualify as animals at times too!)

I have wonderful in-laws that I adore, a sister in law I need to hang out with more. Nancy stood up for me when Joe and I got hitched and she's definately a kindred spirit with attitude!

Speaking of our getting hitched, not many people know that the timing of it was inspired by the retirement of Joe from the military. If we got married after he was officially retired, I'd not be entitled to certain benefits later on, so it only made sense to marry then to have those benefits as we will all need all the medical benefits we can get when we are older.

We thought about having a "wedding" and I guess I'm the one who put the damper on that, tho I would still like to have our civil union blessed in church, just having the government consider us married doesn't seem "official" without the blessings of the church.

Speaking of church, my husband is Methodist, and we got to his mom's church wehn we go, which is a great church with a wonderful pastor, but I still very much miss Immanuel "back home". It has always felt like my spiritual home, and I miss Pastor Joe & Debbie, Dave Corlew, Bonnie, Belisa, "Chester" and the music......... the music is phenomenal. It reaches right inside of you and fills your heart to bursting!

Well, I suppose I've rambled on enough for now.